Exhibitor Portal

Find all the information you need here


Exhibitor Name: 
Stand Number:
Discount Code:  

Exhibitor registration

To register for your exhibitor pass, click on the 'Register' button and enter the Username and PIN below.



The number of passes each exhibiting company is given is determined by stand size. Please note that if you have different staff working on different days, additional passes can be obtained onsite by exchanging the old passes for new ones at the Exhibitor Welcome Desk. Allocations are as follows:

0 – 12 m2: 5 badges 
13 - 30 m2: 10 badges
31 - 50 m2: 15 badges 
51 - 99 m2: 20 badges 
100+ m2:  40 badges

  • PDF copies of your badges will be sent to the email address provided closer to the event.
  • Badge collection will be available from the registration desk in Hall N1 – N10 from 12 noon on Friday, 7 March and from 8am during the show open period.
  • If you need a visa invitation letter, please contact katy.halls@futurenet.com


Exhibitor timetable (event)

Build-up - TPS 2025

*Shell scheme exhibitors who intend to carry out their own physical construction within their shell stand should notify andreahurst@fluid-events.co.uk so that suitable timings can be put in place.

Passes: All space only contractors are required to register for Contractor Passes. All exhibitors are required to register for Exhibitor Badges – these are valid throughout build and separate Contractor Passes are not required if you have an Exhibitor Badge.

Construction & Dressing Deadlines: All stand construction must be completed by midday on Friday – the afternoon is for stand dressing only. All stands must be fully dressed and complete by 2000 hrs on Friday evening, ready for the overnight hall and stand clean.

Power: Space only contractors requiring power for stand construction purposes should order a temporary main from Creative Event Spaces. Stand power will be connected as soon as possible; it will however be switched off each evening unless a 24hr connection has been ordered.

Site Rules & PPE: Everyone working in the halls during the construction phase must wear appropriate PPE and have been inducted with the show site rules in advance. High vis and enclosed footwear are mandatory.

Open Period - TPS 2025

Exhibitor Access: From 0800 hrs each morning.  

Restocking: May take place each morning from 0800 – 0930 hrs. Deliveries for re-stocking may not take place after the show closes each evening.

Power: Stand power will terminate each night half an hour after the show closes unless a 24hr supply has been ordered from Creative Event Spaces. Retail stands requesting a short extension for cashing up purposes must contact andreahurst@fluid-events.co.uk in advance to arrange.

After Hours Stand Activities: If you are intending on staying on your stand after 1800 hrs any evening (for staff training, stand awards etc.) please email andreahurst@fluid-events.co.uk with full details. 

Children: Children are not allowed in the hall before it opens to the public or after the show closes. This is a local authority safety regulation.

Breakdown - TPS 2025

Deconstruction Timings: During the first hour of breakdown, only de-dressing & product removal may take place. Small trolleys may be used but stand contractors will not be allowed into the hall until all visitors are clear and it is considered safe to open the loading doors at approximately 1800 hrs.

Parking & Vehicle Access: Exhibitors should park in the usual car parks on Tuesday. At the close of show, exhibitors needing to bring their cars to the hall for loading should return to their car parks from where they will be given priority access to the halls for loading as soon as all visitors have left. Exhibitors with vans or lorries should park in the South Lorry Park from 0715hrs and return to their vehicle at the close of show. Vans will be given access to the hall as soon as exhibitors cars are clear, and lorries will be given access thereafter. The Lorry Parks are also open from 0715 hrs for space only contractors.

Shell Scheme Stand Clearing: All shell scheme stands should be cleared of product on Tuesday evening during the de-dressing phase. If it is going to take longer, it is essential for all staff remaining in the halls to have been briefed with the Site Rules and wear appropriate PPE.

Security: Please remove all portable items of value as quickly as possible and do not leave stands unattended until they have gone.

Waste: All exhibits, standfitting materials, excess waste, flooring and carpet tape must be removed from the hall – nothing whatsoever may be abandoned on-site. Charges will be levied for clearance and disposal costs for anything left abandoned – including boxes of brochures.

Dilapidations: Each stand space will be checked once vacated to check that no damages have been caused to the fabric of the building; should damages be found, the cost for repair work will be passed back to the relevant exhibitor. Space only contractors are advised to report to the Organiser’s Office prior to leaving to arrange this check.

Site Rules & PPE: Everyone working in the halls after 1800 hrs on Tuesday and throughout Wednesday must wear appropriate PPE and have been inducted with the show site rules. High vis and enclosed footwear are mandatory.


Your stand number is noted above at the top of this page. Please contact richard.macey@futurenet.com if you have any questions.

Please contact richard.macey@futurenet.com for an up to date floorplan. Note: Contractor version will be available shortly.

Exhibitor pass registration information is here

The number of passes each exhibiting company is given is determined by stand size. Please note that if you have different staff working on different days, additional passes can be obtained onsite by exchanging the old passes for new ones at the Exhibitor Welcome Desk. Allocations are as follows:

0 – 12 m2: 5 badges 
13 - 30 m2: 10 badges
31 - 50 m2: 15 badges 
51 - 99 m2: 20 badges 
100+ m2:  40 badges

Graphics, banners and links can be found on the web banner and social banner pages (available shortly). We can provide bespoke assets. Please contact katy.halls@futurenet.com

There is a discount code at the top of this portal which you can send to consumer customers. This will give them a 20% discount on advance standard entry up until midnight on 6 March 2025. If you would like to send out a call for professionals to register, please contact katy.halls@futurenet.com for a unique link. 

Yes. Show guides will be FREE to all visitors this year. Contact  richard.macey@futurenet.com if you're interested in advertising space. 


Whatever your query about the show, we're happy to help. Here is a list of useful team contacts.

General / manual and listing access:
Contact Katy Halls, Email: katy.halls@futurenet.com

Operations - For queries about your stand build / onsite operations: 
Contact Andrea Hurst, Email: andreahurst@fluid-events.co.uk

Marketing - For queries about your website listing and promoting the show to your audiences:
Contact Katy Halls, Email: katy.halls@futurenet.com

Sales - For queries about your stand contract, package details, or further sponsorship opportunities:
Contact Richard Macey, Tel: +44 (0)20 7042 4284, Email: richard.macey@futurenet.com

Speakers / Programme Content - For queries about speakers / speaking opportunities:
Contact Danielle Gardiner, Email: danielle.gardiner@futurenet.com

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