Scott Johnson
Wedding Photographer
Scott, FBIPP FSWPP Master of The Societies, is an internationally recognised, award-winning photographer based in Essex, UK, and has photographed weddings worldwide. Known for being fun and energetic, Scott travels the world as a judge, educator and mentor. He has judged for SWPP, WPPI, and numerous international competitions, including being the only British judge for the 2020, 2021 and 2023 World Photographic Cup.
He holds two fellowships with the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP) in wedding and documentary photography. His documentary fellowship in 2017 on the Auschwitz camp in Poland, taken entirely on film, has received praise from across the world.
In 2018, he was awarded ‘Master Photographer' with the SWPP. In 2019, he won the Open & Natural World category in the SWPP 20x16 print competition, and he finished runner-up in the Wedding Classical category, having won that category in 2016. He was the only British winner at WPPI in Las Vegas in the 2019 annual awards, with first place in the Wedding Contemporary category (gold distinction). In 2022, he was awarded three gold and one gold distinction at the WPPI Annual 20x16 competition. His SWPP awards journey was completed in 2021 when he won Architectural Photographer of the Year. In 2023, he won the ‘Wedding Day' category in the SWPP 20x16 print competition. He was a finalist in the inaugural Icon Awards 2024 with two top-ten-placed images.
He is a global ambassador for Fundy Software, as well as at Studio Ninja and Graphistudio.